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Available Online

30 Min. Personal Reading

Messages from Spirit for guidance, clarity, and healing

30 min
60 Canadian dollars
Online Session

Service Description

Spirit and I will work together to convey messages that you are most meant to hear at this time. All messages come solely from Love and Light energy, meaning that any information conveyed to you is with the most genuine and positive intentions and ultimately to serve your highest good. You may come with a question or leave the option open to spirit regarding their message(s) to you. In either case, we aim to give you pure information, clarity and/or guidance that resonates with you specifically. Please note that message clarity and conveyance is dependent on your willingness to accept it. As such, we are so excited to meet you with an open mind and heart! Until we meet, we look forward to working with you! With love, Jamie and Spirit * Nothing within this session is to be seen as or replace a doctor's advice.

Cancellation Policy

I ask that you give 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a reading. If something comes up unexpectedly within 24 hours please email me directly in the "contact" section.

Contact Details

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