I'm in love with this concept. Seriously...
The more I learn about it, the more it makes sense.
Long story short, you can't have light and dark in the same place. You choose one.
Spoiler alert:
"You bring your lessons forward and you create more light by showing the world how to overcome the darkness."
- Continued channeled message
"What's important is that you take with you your lessons...
Transmute all of the darkness.
Do we understand what this means, to transmute darkness?
What we are talking about is to rid yourself of it, and instead of the darkness there we are placing light within that space. Imagine the light space in your heart!
Often what occurs is that it's difficult to see the light space because there is darkness there already. You cannot place light over dark.
To accept light is to accept the riddance of darkness.
To rid darkness away you are placing light.
Light shines over darkness always. We know this. This is pure, perfect science.
Light overcomes darkness. You can not overcome light with dark.
Be aware that light always has a source and it all begins with intention
Please be aware.
Our thoughts with you today go without having to say that we are magnificent light sources, and we will always lead you into the right direction. We will lead you into happiness... into a reality that you are meant to live in.
You may not all ever experience a complete lack of darkness, but that is simply because you are an emotional creature...and due to your emotional states you must experience each emotion on the spectrum in order to experience the other side of it. We cannot have a partial spectrum.
The spectrum exists to create balance.
To be more clear, this balance is necessary. This balance is necessary to create a fulfilled life.
Your journeys here on Earth are each different. You each have your lessons, your movement, and whatnot. What happens is, you bring your lessons forward and you create more light by showing the world how to overcome the darkness.
This is such a wonderful job. This is such a wonderful source of action:
To overcome your darkness
To replace that area
To replace that void
- because that's what darkness is, it is a void.
When you touch your heart with light and accept that the darkness be gone, you are embracing such a magical potential force. You magnetize other sources of it. It will feel amazing as long as you rid the darkness from yourself.
You do not carry it with you (the darkness), for this is inconvenient and unacceptable. You cannot move forward with darkness and light.
With shadow...
Shadow exists when light is there. So, then consider what your obstruction is.
Our intention is to bring light forward.
Please make the choices to accept it.
We are seeking a wonderful plane.
We are seeking glorious retribution.
We are embracing the potential of this world to be a magnificent place.
Please allow yourself to accept the light. Know that when you do your mind will work differently. You will express things with a different purpose. You will know that you are doing something with purpose as well.
You are here to aid in the story of how Earth became a magnificent plane... A magnificent place for growth, for well-being, for acceptance of all that is good! You are a part of this story. Allow yourself to be a significant part and to play a significant role.
As we see you grow, your Light is known to us.
- End of channeled message
Channeled messages come from a group of higher dimensional beings who love to bring messages to the collective and individuals.
To get more personal messages and guidance you can book a personal session by clicking one of the options below! All sessions are available over Zoom.
In personal sessions, I may connect with this group, Spirit guides, and/or other beings of Love and Light who's aim is always to help you live more freely in a life that you love and desire. All messages come forward to provide guidance, awareness, and clarity through Love and Light while serving a higher good. You may bring your own questions or leave it to Spirit to direct the session. No question is too big or too small!
To book a personal session, please click one of the options below!
Thank you so much for stopping in!
Until we meet, I look forward to working with you and wish you the very best.
With love,