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Jamie Jackman

Moving Into Abundance!

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

Hey there!

This is a collective message, channeled from a higher source to address:



- Beginning of channeled message


On your path to true enlightenment, we shall begin, is to endure many of the life surface events.

These life surface events, they bring to you many things which you already understand.

When you understand them, you are understanding that you are of a power that is to relinquish the ability - to then perceive the understanding.

We have understood the barriers that are in place. We do want to deliver you away from the barriers. The mass force.

The energy of the mass force…

We have begun to understand that it is magic.

Please be aware that you have everything that you are asking for as it applies in your mind.

Abundance is clear here.

Abundance is the worthy component.

You are abundant in your nature.

You are abundant in your world and you are abundant in your force.

You have abundance of everything that you are asking for.

We have golden abundant light here for you.

"___ does grow on trees. ___ loves me. I love ___. ___ loves me. We are in light together - myself and ___ abundance."

Watch it fall to you... and it is in the same container as your mind.

We have so much abundance here.

You have an abundant life.

"I" is what you say. You have abundant life.

You have abundant world.

You have abundant capacity.

You have everything you desire.

You have everything that you desire of the happiest, most joyous position. I am in joy, you say. I am in light, you say.

I am in stability, you say.

I am in ___ abundance, you say.

I am abundant. I am clear of all that does not serve my highest good. I am clear of that. I am clear of that void - of everything that does not serve me, and therefore what I do have is abundance to replace it.

You see?

I am clear. I am joy. I am in my place. I am clear. I am joy. I am in my place. I am clear. I am joy. I am in my place.
I am in my worthy position. I am worthwhile I am joyous I am of abundant nature I am filled with potential I am filled with action to have what I need I have everything I want I have everything I need I have everything that I want and need of a joyous position I am with love I am with clarity I am with acceptance I am with the acceptance of others I am with myself in my truest form I love you

Take what resonates specifically, and only with you, and you may keep that. Thank you for your time with us. We shall see you when the next time arrives."

- End of channeled message



Channeled messages come from a group of higher dimensional beings who love to bring messages to the collective and individuals.

To get more personal messages and guidance you can book a personal reading by clicking one of the options below! All sessions are available over Zoom!

In personal sessions, I may connect with this group, Spirit guides, and/or other beings of Love and Light who's aim is always to help you live more freely in a life that you love and desire. All messages come forward to provide guidance, awareness, and clarity through Love and Light while serving a higher good. You may bring your own questions or leave it to Spirit to direct the session. No question is too big or too small!

To book a personal session, please click one of the options below!

Until we meet, I look forward to working with you and wish you the very best.

With love,



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