This is a channeled message for the collective to address...
Embracing Light During Change!
Channeled messages come from a group of higher dimensional beings who love to bring messages to the collective and individuals to help them live more freely in a life that they desire! All messages come from love and light to serve the higher good.
As always, take messages as they resonate.
- Beginning of channeled message
"Your mind is your own. Your mind is the place where you want to be.
Your mind is your home, your heart, your livelihood…
Do you know that you are so powerful?
Do you know that your world is magnificent around you as well?
If it does not feel that way currently, guess what...
It will become so.
If this resonates with you then you may keep listening...
Your mind is so powerful - and it is connected.
Don't be unaware that your mind is connected.
When your mind is connected you are at an increasing level of fruitfulness, positivity, and potential to be even greater than you are now.
You have more potential to be greater than your perception, consistently. We don't talk about the future and the past because we exist only in the moment. Another person may say that you are more powerful today than you are tomorrow, with an increasing willingness to embrace life and light.
But - consider that you are only one moment, existing eternally
Aiming to be happy... fulfilled... your life to be filled with laughter
To be increasingly understood.
To lack confusion... to instead have understanding...
- You embrace the light.
Consistently, these are joyous moments.
To embrace light is the subject.
When the powerful mind is at ease... when the light motion is in action… we are driving you forward. You have heard this. We will bring you into a place of light.
And in this light place, you know that to drive yourself forward is to progress into a being and a reality that you understand and prefer... that you understand and embrace...
... that the knowing's that you once had are altered to be replaced by what serves you better.
Often, you may not know how to serve yourself better.
Because we don't understand that the world is endless with possibilities we understand that the world is endless with positivity.
You should know that by embracing that you do not know each and every detail of what may come you can expect the positivity to grow.
To be concise - the power within you is to change.
To be concise, the power within you is to change.
Decide how to change.
You have every opportunity
And know that whatever it is that your reality creates - or that's created in your reality - is your decision! So, responsibility does really play a very large role.
And just know that whatever light exists within you also exists without you. This is fine.
It exists, and is excited to exist, outside of your body as well.
The light that exists outside of your body is a particular light that exists around you all the time."
- End of channeled message
Channeled messages for the blog serve many people. As such, please take messages as they resonate specifically for you.
For personal messages please book a personal session!
In personal sessions, I may connect with this group, Spirit guides, and/or other beings of Love and Light who's aim is always to help you live more freely in a life that you love and desire. All messages come forward to provide guidance, awareness, and clarity through Love and Light while ultimately serving a higher good! You may bring your own questions or leave it to Spirit to direct the session. All questions are welcome!
To book a personal session, please click one of the options below!
All sessions are available over Zoom!
Until we meet, I look forward to working with you and wish you the very best!
With love,