A Channeled Message To Address:
Moving Forward
Choosing your course
What it means to reach your destination
Channeled messages come from a group of higher dimensional beings who love to bring messages to the collective and individuals to help them live more freely in a life that they desire! All messages come from love and light to serve the higher good.
As always, take messages as they resonate.
- Beginning of channeled message
"Move yourselves with intention. See the direction you wish to travel - the type of road you wish to lead you.
Though there is a fog, often it is only there as you are confused.
Set your path. Be on it.
Winding or otherwise, know we are with you.
Choose your course.
Each will lead to the same place: a higher good.
Know, you indeed choose the path you take.
Walk it when you see fog.
Choose your path again.
Decide - until your path is clear.
Then walk again.
We see you despite, and through, each decision and action. We shall not take another path or course than you.
We are with you…
Your team.
Your companion.
Step on your own feet. Do not walk on another’s toes or heels.
Move at your pace.
Move with your mind… in your way.
This is your ground to cover.
This is your place...
Your rocks, and hills, and scenery.
Travel with intention.
The destination might not be clear. Though, you know where you are walking.
What’s next?
What is your desire?
What do you plan for?
What is your journey at each turn and step?
On this path, what do you see?
Are you happy?
Are you where you mean to be?
Travel to a destination" means that it has been manifested. You have been creatively manifesting your destination at each and every will.
So manifest with intention because as you travel you are constantly aiming to have found the place to end. But there is no end. There is simply different goals along the journey.
Life is a journey.
Life is not a place to stop trying for we are learning here, endlessly.
All we know is that we become happy or we do not.
Aim for the highest type of travel. Aim for the highest good in your endeavors - and reach your goals.
You do not reach the destination.
Know to continue - always - and increase your happiness and fulfilled mindset
- your fulfillment, your perceived completion - many times... Over, and over.
Create fulfillment throughout the journey.
Create completion throughout the journey. Do not aim to reach the destination, for this is confusing. Move with intention, journey with motivation, and reach your goals through achieving. Manifest from this point and go forward.
Continue here and enjoy. "
- End of channeled message
Channeled messages for the blog serve many people. As such, please take messages as they resonate specifically for you.
For personal messages please book a personal session!
In personal sessions, I may connect with this group, Spirit guides, and/or other beings of Love and Light who's aim is always to help you live more freely in a life that you love and desire. All messages come forward to provide guidance, awareness, and clarity through Love and Light while ultimately serving a higher good! You may bring your own questions or leave it to Spirit to direct the session. All questions are welcome!
To book a personal session, please click one of the options below!
All sessions are available over Zoom!
Until we meet, I look forward to working with you and wish you the absolute best.
With love,